Welcome, to an
exploration of Hollywood Beach in Hollywood, Florida. Urban Concepts has, with the aid
of grant funding, conducted a research survey of the Beach documenting the pattern of it's buildout , based, in part, on past planning efforts and a physical
investigation of the Beach's unique characteristics.
Our efforts have resulted in some
conclusions about the fabric of the Beach and some recommendations regarding an alternative design proposal for the Casino Site.
Our Goal, among other things, is to attempt to identify historic resources, including clusters of
buildings that promote the historic fabric of the beach, and to provide design guidelines for infill development of vacant and underutilized property on the
beach. We believe redeveloping and strengthening, rather than eroding, the ambiance of Hollywood Beach will have the
added economic benefit of increasing property values throughout Hollywood and continuing to attract a quality base of tourism.
Hollywood Beach was first developed by Joseph Wesley Young in the early
1920's, providing the historical setting for our investigation. Mr. Young's Grand Vision for Hollywood and the
Beach also set the foundation the key characteristics of the Beach which are still relevant today, including the
accessible and public nature of large segments of the Hollywood beachfront, the vibrant mix of social and cultural elements and the widely differing character
inherent to each of the Beach's distinct communities.

Contact Information
For Additional Information, Please Contact:
Bill Christopher
Urban Concepts